Spring All-Depth Halibut Extended

Spring All-Depth Halibut Extended Through July
Fresh off the press from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife:
Additional Spring All-Depth Halibut Days Open for the Central Oregon Coast Subarea
The Central Oregon Coast subarea (Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain) spring all-depth halibut fishery will remain open July 1 through July 31, seven days per week. The summer all-depth halibut fishery will begin August 1.
Opening up every backup date for the remainder of the spring all-depth fishery allows anglers more opportunity to harvest halibut. High winds and rough seas during the first two months of the spring all-depth fishery caused bar restrictions and/or bar closures up and down the Central Oregon Coast, severely limiting the number of anglers able (or willing) to participate in the fishery. With approximately half of the spring all-depth quota remaining, we are looking to provide anglers more opportunity to harvest halibut.
For additional information see the ODFW recreational halibut webpage: https://myodfw.com/pacific-halibut-sport-regulations